Wednesday, July 18, 2007

friends we brought home from vacation

here i am with barry colpitts' wife, bettianne. no we didn't bring her home with us. but this other fun artwork, made by barry, is now hanging out in our place! we HEART barry and bettianne.


Tonya Ricucci said...

what fun pictures. I love the pieces you acquired. I'd have had no idea they were that small if I hadn't seen you holding them. Love that red cat (or is it a dog. I'm going with cat). So do you have a lot of outsider art around the house yourself? I'd love to live in a place that's so expressive and creative as Barry's.

maggie said...

the red piece is a FOX - barry's humor. it's called 'fox and chickens.' i can't seem to get a good shot of the whole thing, but there are four chicks and a hen riding on the back of a red fox - ha!

how i would love to have had some of barry's larger pieces. apparently he has a reputation for not wanting to part with his work. the large pieces are maybe like family to him.

also, i am presently living in a two-room studio apt, so barely enough space for the small pieces that we bought.

when i comes to outsider art, i am a LUKYDUK - hence the old vanity tags on my VW. i was lucky lucky lucky to have the job at the visionary as the person who hired visiting artists to do workshops and who ran our annual BAZAART - art and craft fair. made alot of really sweet friends with some very unusually talented folks...and acquired some great work, as a result of it.

Magpie Sue said...

So glad you decided to share your bounty with us! Was that their home or the gallery you and Bettianne were standing outside of? Wish I could paint my house like that! (Don't think the neighbors - or DH - would appreciate it though.)

Magpie Sue said...

I went back and had a "larger" look at the first photo. I'm guessing that is their home after all. {sigh} how cool.

maggie said...

yes. that is their home. the studio is on the property, too - a tiny shed (decorated like the home). barry does his work in a barn on the property. it is a small working farm - oxen, chickens, beef cow...