Saturday, June 16, 2007

granny square bag

working on a summer bag made of lucious mission falls 1824 cotton yarn, using old fashioned granny square pattern. bought some vintage fabric on ebay to use as a lining. but, crochet elbow, known to some as tendonitis, is yikes really bad, so gotta take a break from crochet. boo hoo. do you think i can find something else to do when i am not crocheting? hmmm...

Thursday, June 14, 2007

a deadly sin you don't want to meet

have you met this character before? i have only had a few encounters with her, and that was enough for me. stay away!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

buttons on lukyduk

here she is - my beautiful lukyduk in my beautiful neighborhood...buttons and all.

Sunday, June 10, 2007


MOLESKINES...oh how i love to glue on, spill paint on, sniff, take photos of, carry around, scribble in my moleskine. i probably wouldn't love them so much if they weren't so ubiquitous, but they are and i do. at first i was intimidated by the blank page of a sketchbook, but then i discovered that if i start somewhere in the middle and just cover a page in crayon or glue on colorful paper, then i have made a start. do u have a favorite kind of moleskine or other sketchbook?