here are some more clothes of mine with stitching on them. i can't seem to stop myself. much of what i own, i have stitched on, including leather purses and shoes. the top two photos are of a windbreaker jacket that i got for cheap, but didn't like too much. i was in a circles mood, so i stitched circles, practicing various stitches - sampler circles (?).
then i got this pair of orange pants on sale. who wears orange pants? they had to have embroidery on them. my quilting friend,
tonya asked if i was worried about the embroidery stitches coming out after a few washings. you can see pretty clearly on these pants the fray check that is showing to keep the stitches from fraying. i put a little on the ends of all my threads. usually the fray check doesn't show, but on these pants it shows hideously (see the little white spots?)! anyway, i have worn and washed these pants for about three years...no unraveling.
what does vegetable surprise mean? i became a vegetarian when my kids were young. in order to keep their interest in our new meals, when they would ask what was for dinner, i would tell them 'vegetable surprise,' which sounded better that saying something like tofu and eggplant. vegetable surprise is a sentimental phrase to me. i must have been feeling sentimental when i stitched these pants.