Friday, May 29, 2009

letting go

here is a little drawing of ME. i am at a bit of a crossroads with school and career and not sure which way to go. i recently lost my job at the art center. the opus school of textile arts, where i was a BA (hons) student, closed a few months ago. i can't even give a link to that anymore, as they have virtually disappeared, after taking our course money. another program has opened in its place, named after the creative and inspiring late julia caprara but i have been hesitant to join, as i am not sure that distance learning was to my advantage. so i applied to and was ACCEPTED to an MFA program at the great and wonderful maine college of art, except now i am trying to figure out how to pay for it. anyway, i have been meditating everyday and writing my gratitude list and letting go. xo to all!


Gina said...

It's a shame you've not joined the degree programme with the new school Maggi but I can understand how difficult it must be from so far away. Although I'm still distance learning there is the opportunity to attend assessment days and induction days, meet other students and tutors etc so there is more support if you are a UK student. Good luck with whatever you decide to do.

Tonya Ricucci said...

sorry to hear about your job and the Opus school closing. yikes. but congrats on admission to the college of art!!!!! fingers crossed it all works out.

chrissythreads said...

Sorry to see you leave the degree course. JCS does seem, at the present, to be providing a better service than OPUS but I understand your reuctance. I think if I had not been so far into the course and had another option I may not have transferred. Distance is a particularly hard road and not for everyone. I wish you luck with your new course.

Susan Shie said...

Hi Maggie. Good luck getting the money up for that MFA program! Sorry bad things happened so close together! See yourself in the situation you want!

Love, Susan

Judy Martin said...

Maggie, I'm sorry that you're not with JC school of textile arts. I assumed that you had made the switch like I did. It was comforting to think of you and your fabulous crazy artwork working away at the assignments. However, It's great that you have been accepted into a masters fine arts program. I'd really prefer to be working on my masters than this second BA. It's still a really challenging program however.
Take good care and best wishes.